🇺🇸 Avoid bloated backlogs and The Sea of Mold — a scalable Jira setup for managing your Product and Teams projects effectively
An article on the setup I use to effectively manage development of Bethink's core product.
🇵🇱 Engineering Stages, czyli jak lepiej rozwijać zespół, używając standardów?
An article on how to use an action-based framework to manage personal growth in an engineering team.
🇺🇸 Decision log using Jira and Automation — the Holy Grail of documenting decisions?
An article on how to set up a robust decision log for the whole company using a Jira project.
🇺🇸 Building the Bridge of Trust — 7 factors that make your company more trustworthy
An article on how to use a trust-building model known from leadership and apply it to your product.
Talks and appearances
🇵🇱 Videocast with Kamil Cebulski
A conversation with Kamil Cebulski, the founder of Asbiro entrepreneurship school, on building an e-learning business at Bethink.
🇵🇱 Podcast with Explain Visually
A conversation with Maciej Budkowski, COO of ExplainVisually, on building an e-learning business at Bethink.
🇵🇱 Talk at RSQ meet-up
Talk based on my article - Building the Bridge of Trust (see Articles).
🇵🇱 The silent killers of Agile - Taby vs Spacje podcast
A conversation with Adam Polak and Andrzej Wysoczański where I share my thoughts on the not-so-obvious hindrances to agile development.